Brace Yourselves, Podcasts are Coming!

And by coming I mean podcasts are here! And clearly I’m tardy to my own party with posting these as there are three currently available.

So, how does this work? Every week on Saturday morning (Arizona Time) a new podcast will be available. What are they about? Well, that’s going to very. There are three main focuses of the podcasts:

1) Social commentary from the lens of a Maverick Minister

2) Nerdy pursuits

3) Behind the scenes previews of upcoming studio work including but not limited to interviews, sneak peaks and selections from upcoming Audible audio book releases.

I plan to rotate these endeavors every Saturday. Currently live is a podcast discussing the pressures of an artist in a society that damns those who try to shine, an initial impressions quasi-review of Team Sonic Racing for the Nintendo Switch and a preview of the intro and first chapter recording of dark fantasy novel Kill All Christians Book 1: In the Village of the Devil’s Daughters.

Next week we’ll be looking at Katana Zero (or Stardew Valley; I haven’t decided yet) and the week after we might take a look at Nora and the Eternal Waterwheel. Be sure to subscribe to the cast so you don’t miss an episode; call me biased, but I think they’re pretty darn boss if I do say so myself!

-Eugene the Author

The Three Categories of My Novels

Salutations! Today I'd like to talk about the three levels of content/maturity that each of my novels fall under.

One of the things I'm a firm believer of, is being open and honest with my fan base. To me, to create a series and draw people in, having every aspect of it appear to represent a certain set of purpose, morality and narrative flow, only to at the last minute once you've gained a following and a steady stream of cash throw in something that completely changes and turns on its head everything I told you I was about is the height of cowardice and sneaky marketing. Consider that harsh, and a run on sentence. I'll accept that it's one of those things.

I have no desire to draw you in, make my money in a safe way, then flip the script and exclaim "JUST KIDDING, YOU THOUGHT THIS STORY AND THESE CHARACTERS WERE LIKE THIS BUT I CAN MAKE MORE MONEY LIKE THIS!"

I also would never want a young reader who enjoys, say upcoming all ages novel Nora and the Eternal Waterwheel to see my name on Murder the Citizens, think the novel is safe for them to read and suddenly be thrust into a far more maturely written world. To that end, I established three levels to my novels:

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